From today, Para Site will be donating 50% of sales from A Journal of the Plague Year to Bethune House Women Migrants‘ Refuge, and Mission for Migrant Workers, two organisations that provide support to migrant women’s workers in Hong Kong affected by the Covid-19 crisis, and Firefly Plan, a grassroots online community that fundraises and sources female hygiene products with other supplies to support women medical workers fighting on the frontlines of the Covid-19 crisis.
A Journal of the Plague Year, co-published with Sternberg Press, is based on the highly acclaimed exhibition A Journal of the Plague Year. Fear, ghosts, rebels. SARS, Leslie, and the Hong Kong story, curated by Cosmin Costinas and Inti Guerrero at Para Site in 2013. A panel discussion with the co-curators, revisiting the project from the perspective of this year’s events, is coming up in April, so stay tuned!
In the meantime, place your orders at the link here, and if you’re a bookseller interested in taking part in this charitable effort, please contact us at Donation receipts will be made public to ensure the transparency of this charitable effort.