P-read: Jam Version
Visual Dialogue between
In response to P-read
Menstruation is always a taboo in our culture. It is almost a synonym to “little dirty thing” in Cantonese colloquial and cannot speak of in public, especially around men and children. No matter how often the TV commercial promotes the “clean” image of the napkins, they are always dirty on many people’s minds. (In fact, some of them even bear no name of the product on their package.) So, why this taboo?
tries to negotiate this taboo with her exhibition P-read and hopefully initiates critiques on our old stereotype of gender. To further the discussion, she also invites another artist, to create a visual dialogue with her, making another exhibition, P-read: Jam Version, during the same period in the same gallery.
, both graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, are among few local visual artists concerned with woman and gender issues. They have used “feminine” objects such as hygienic napkins and traditional embroidery shoes in their mixed media works to address the stereotypes of women.