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PS Paid Studio Visits: Enoch Cheng

May 27, 2020
9:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Zoom Meeting ID: 882 1049 1492
Password: 022035
In English
Hosted by Qu Chang, Para Site Curator


Enoch Cheng is an independent artist and curator. He received his MA in Creative Writing at Goldsmiths, London and a BA in English Literature and Art History at the University of Hong Kong. Concerned with the everyday subtleties in modern lives, his multidisciplinary practice—involving installation, dance, performance, curation, fashion, and the moving image—explores recurrent themes of place, travel, fiction, migration, human and natural history. Currently in New York as an Asian Cultural Council’s Altius Fellow, Enoch is an artist-in-residence at the American Museum of Natural History researching natural sciences and history.