In this issues, artists Kith Tsang, Luke Ching and Kacey Wong reflects on the art exchange programme between the Para/Site Art Space (Hong Kong) and the West Space Gallery (Melbourne, Australia); and Zoe Li offers a short review on The Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art held in Australia. Also, five articles are contributed to PS deliberating on the debate generated by Jack Lee (doctoral candidate from University of Hong Kong) concerning exhibition New Man Incident held in Hong Kong Arts Centre.
澳洲焗住交流經驗 – Kith Takping TSANG (曾德平)
白牆:黃國才的創作自述 – Kacey Kwokchoi WONG (黃國才)
交流是呼吸的機會 – Luke Chinwai CHING (程展緯)
第三屆亞太三年展的造就 – LI Zoe W.Y. (李詠怡)
「新男」舊事對「新男」事件的再思 – CHAN Kaiyin (陳啟賢)
回看「新男」有感 – CHAN Kiyin (陳琦燕)
「新男」反映香港人的問題審美觀 – WONG Yeehang (黃懿恆)
「新男」所啟發的香港文化 – CHAN Wailun (陳偉倫)
以新男爭取藝術自由,不如「慳翻啖氣」 – HO Wingsze (何詠思)
展覽活動言過其實? — Para/Site九九年展覽活動回顧之一 – LI Zoe W.Y. (李詠怡)
家中藏寶 – Kith Takping TSANG (曾德平)
上網藝術 – CHAN Jannel (陳煥嫻)