Para Site is pleased to present the performance, tagatanu’u, conceived and performed by
– Para Site’s current artist-in-residence. In the performance, speaks in , French and English to criticise commodified nuts, medicines, and exoticised bodies that have simultaneously been crushed by missionary body-, spirit-, sex-shaming and the extraction of labour into tourism, military, security, nuclear testing and plantations. He purposefully immerses his body in water, flowers and nuts in a way that is currently taboo in Sāmoan and other Indigenous cultures, to be in his body in a way that has power over intergenerational trauma and violence.This work has been developed in Honolulu, Kelowna, Narrm/Melbourne with
Para Site Art Space is financially supported by the Art Development Matching Grants Pilot Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
The content of these activities does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.