SARS has not only devastated Hong Kong but also brought out the hidden beauty of the community-professionalism and self-initiative power of the community. The medical professionals, the business community, the media, community groups… all respond quickly in identifying their roles in fighting this terrifying battle. In the midst of the crisis, we built new solidarity; we rethink the meaning of life and the value of family. At a time when there appears to be a silver lining, it is also time for us to reflect upon the difficult days we have gone through, and the future challenges we are facing.
planned an exhibition and invites the public to contribute their thoughts and creative responses to this traumatic SARS period. How does SARS affect Hong Kong people’s view of family? The exhibition also invites the public to send in images and words expressing their views on the personal life and family relationships during and after the SARS’ attack. Collected items will be on public display at an exhibition. Part of the exhibition includes public expressions, such as comics and poems produced by the public or the media during the SARS invasion period, in order to show the thought and the humor of Hong Kong people during a trailing time. The exhibition also includes an interactive section where the audience can add in their comments and creations to the exhibition.
The exhibition at Para Site is presented in two sections:
Part 1
No matter if it is an over-statement or under-statement, friends from Art Criticism Class and artists are invited to exhibit their truthful works influenced by the SARS.
Part 2
Taking the advantage of being located nearby Tai Ping Shan Street, historical photos and information of the epidemic in this area in 1894 are on display. To recall the memories of the history of the ‘epidemic area’, especially its relationship with the establishment of Tung Wah Hospital.
This project is co-presented by