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Ali Cherri: Short Film Screenings and Lecture Performance

May 19, 2019
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm


Antonio Mak Hin-yeung Education Room, Para Site

From a necropolis in ruin in the United Arab Emirates, and an imminent earth-shattering geological event in Lebanon, to the annual flooding of the ancient Nile valley and the modern infrastructure put in place to control it, artist Ali Cherri explores the relationship between civilisation and landscape in two films and a lecture performance, Water Blues. In building upon the geological landscape, we inevitably also excavate the cultural landscape of those that came before us, for “in every people and every culture… there are stories that go back in time towards the origins”. Ali Cherri is a video and visual artist based in Beirut and Paris.


The Disquiet
2013 | 20 mins | Arabic with English subtitles

The Digger
2015 | 24 mins | Arabic and Pashto with English subtitles