Wayla Amatathammachad, Yip Kai-chun, Tommy Hui, and Brian Wong
In English
Registration and deposit required here
Age: 18 or above
Location: Para Site, 10B & Outlying Islands
Oceans and rivers are presented on maps as a monotonous, almost uniform, blue colour. In fact, different waters have their own unique ecosystems and face different crises due to urban development and other anthropogenic factors.
‘Not Just a Patch of Blue’ is a field trip exploring rivers, marine ecology and art-making as social interventions. Wayla Amatathammachad, founder and director of the Prayoon For Art Foundation from Thailand, will share his longstanding interest in the Mekong River’s ecological collaboration with art interventions, as well as Low Fat Art Fes, a public engagement art project that he initiated. which also focuses on the river’s ecology.
In the afternoon, Yip Kai-chun, one of the founders of the ‘Inter-island Festival’, will lead the participants on a boat ride to share the curatorial concept of the ‘Inter-island Festival’, which will be moored at Peng Chau, Cheung Sha and Pui O. Dr. Tommy Hui of the Science Unit of Lingnan University and Brian Wong, researcher of Liber Research Community, will point out the impact that coastal development around Lantau Island has had on coastal and intertidal ecologies.