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The Books in Café do Brasil and Brazil in Books

Oct 19, 2019
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm


Antonio Mak Hin-yeung Education Room, Para Site

Moderated by Michelle Lee Ho Wing, member of Archive of the People

The books available at, or even simply mentioned in, Café do Brasil were one of the compelling reasons for the young intellectuals to come together. In this gathering, Lee will share the texts she encountered by chance in her artistic process. Lee will start the conversation by linking the past and the present  through imagination, to unfold one-by-one the stories within stories. Participants are invited to share a book that they have had on their bookshelf for a long time but haven’t read.

Michelle Lee Ho Wing’s work is characterized by her interest in triangular relationship between author, reader and text, which resonates with the original literature and social circumstances through free association. 

The discussion will be conducted in Cantonese and English.