We are pleased to announce that Garden of Six Seasons at Para Site’s main space on the 22/F will be extended until 15 November 2020. The Soho House and Para Site’s G/F venues will close as planned on 30 August 2020. If you haven’t had a chance to see the exhibition at Soho House or Para Site’s G/F, we are open by appointment (across all three venues) from now until 30 August, every day. Don’t miss this last chance by booking your visit at info@para-site.art. Please contact us at least one day prior to your desired appointment.
Meanwhile, a virtual tour of Garden of Six Seasons at all three venues is now available to view here: https://eazel.net/exhibitions/621. Simply select from the drop down menu on the top left corner to switch among venues. VR tour courtesy of Eazel.