From June to August 1999, has joined a two-month , US. The studio provided a vast space for creation, which he has never experienced before. The white walls there formed a room measuring several hundred square feet, the ceiling tens of feet tall, with windows facing the North for natural light…Such luxury is too much for him, an artist who has always been working in a cramped environment. The extra-comfortable studio eventually left with a sense of emptiness.
Beyond the windows, there was a wood outside, filled with the colour gold and green, and the songs of birds and bugs. Bound by the windows, there were plain white walls inside, staging the regular daily show starring Window-Frame-Shadow and Sunset. The studio, a space designed for creation, became so dull in the light of the lively wood. Until one day, discovered that there was in fact, a bugs’ world inside the studio as well, sharing the same space. When the artist was busy putting paints on our pictures, those tiny hairy horned little creatures with wings were also busy performing the various courses of giving birth, finding food, running for survival, mating, and passing away. The dried limbs found at wall corners and by the window screens were hard evidence telling how actively they had enjoyed life and how much effort they had made to try to stay alive.
Those days shared by the bugs and are treasures to him. So he comes up with this ‘Diaries’ to share with the visitors the bugs’ enthusiasm in living. Perhaps they are better qualified than artists to be the