Para Site Art Space is proud to present Everything Starts from “Here”, a solo exhibition by
, at its Sheung Wan premise. This exhibition includes a new project and a retrospective of s work since the early 1980s. It does not only provide an overview of her artistic development but her personal reflections on art and culture in Hong Kong in the 80s and 90s as well due to her active participation in the local art scene.has dedicated herself to independent film, video, installation, and theatre arts since the early 80’s. Her works address both the personal and public spheres, ranging from sentimental journeys to gender politics to the cultural/political landscape of this city and beyond. As a pioneer video artist in Hong Kong, she has continuously involved elements of video and new media into her theatre work, for example, Heart to Heart, Face to Face I (1992), and Very Ghostly Grey, just to name a few.
In 1985, together with co-founded Videotage, the most important local artist collective to promote video and new media art. As one of the leading figures in the Hong Kong art community, she has also coordinated/curated several important exhibitions including the Microwave International Media Art Festival 2001 and the Digital Delight at the Macau Museum of Art.
Research and curated by