The fifth work in the Sermon series by , the exhibition expresses Buddhist thought through the interaction between installation and audience.
What is ‘I’? The dictionary definition says that it is a pronounce referring to the speaking ‘Self’. Then, what is ‘Self’? It also forms pronounce that refers to ‘oneself’. Subsequently, anything can be a ‘Self’. A cup can refer it’self’ as such, a bird can refer it’self’ as such, any human can also refer to one’self’ as such. Artists, of course, are them’selves’. We refer to ourselves as ‘human beings’. It is a title used in biology classification, referring to thinking entities that are made of blood, flesh, and bone. It is handy when applying so in our languages. It also carries the basic presumption of a ‘Self’- centred dichotomy that divides the world into subject/object. At the same time, it recognizes the existence of oneself.