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PS Paid Studio Visits 2020 Art Graduation Class: Shawn Pak Hin Tang

Nov 4, 2020
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Wed 4 Nov, 7PM HKT
Zoom ID: 867 2765 3726
Password: 415073
In English
Hosted by Para Site Curator of Education & Public Programmes Anqi Li and Para Site Intern Martha Hatch


About the artist:

Shawn Pak Hin Tang, obtained his Bachelor’s Degree from Academy of Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University, is a Hong Kong-based artist whose practice encompasses diverse forms and mediums, including installation, video, sound, and sculpture. Inspired by anecdotes of daily life and personal experiences, his works often integrate topics of time, place, collective memory and cultural boundaries. His site-specific installations often charged with a particular worldview extracted from reality, presenting narratives with ambiguity and subtlety.


About the co-host:

Martha is a current BA student at the School of Creative Media of City University of Hong Kong and digital media at the Leuphana University of Lueneburg. She is interested in the anthropology and the sociology of new media technology, especially in the areas of behavioural studies. Such interest is reflected in her artistic practice and research work in the area of internet governance, where she regularly holds workshops on the topic in forums such as at the United Nations.

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