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PS Paid Studio Visits: Argus Fong

Jun 15, 2020
9:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Mon 15 Jun, 9PM HKT
Zoom ID: 895 4317 0589
Password: 648357
In Cantonese, moderated by Celia Ho, Para Site Assistant Curator/Project Manager


FONG Tsz Leong, Argus, received his BA (Fine Art) degrees from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University in 2015, major in painting. Argus’ works are like a collection of piecemeal fragments of his everyday life – a collection of seemingly unrelated bits and parts as in a photomontage. The work reflects his interpretations on identities and human natures. Inspired by the traces on the objects, most of his works are oil paintings on wasted materials, and are characterised by his expressively linear brushstrokes.