Ling Chung-wan Kevin (b. Hong Kong, 1994) graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University in 2017. He was awarded the Tuna Prize at the AVA BA Graduation Exhibition 2017, and was shortlisted for the Hong Kong Human Rights Prize in 2018 and 2021. He generates resonance with the audience through community-based research and material exploration. An alternate perspective towards urban elements can be found in Ling’s work, which concerns the relationships and connections in communities, characterised by a sense of curiosity. He has participated in exhibitions including ‘See you tomorrow’ (Hong Kong Fringe Club, Hong Kong, 2022), ‘『我唔要見到有聲音』That was she said- #C0C0C0’ (PRÉCÉDÉE, Hong Kong, 2021), ‘『我唔要見到有聲音』That was she said’ (WURE AREA, Hong Kong, 2021), ‘Unbeknown’ (Goethe Institut, Hong Kong, 2019), ‘The Poetics of Blockages’ (HKDI Gallery, Hong Kong, 2021), ‘hiddenfromview’ (1a space, Hong Kong, 2020), ‘Stone’ (Finland, 2019), ‘Weight Watcher’ (Germany, 2018) and ‘Bangkok Biennial 2018–BangMod Canal international Art Project in Communities (BCiAPC) and Flowing on the Verge of Margins (FoVoM)’ (Thailand, 2018). Ling currently lives and works in Hong Kong.