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PS Paid Studio Visits: Ma Yujiang

Sep 2, 2020
8:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Wed 2 Sep, 8PM HKT
Zoom ID: 860 8259 1326
Password: 295514
In Mandarin
Hosted by Anqi Li, Para Site Curator of Education & Public Programmes


Ma Yujiang (b.1988, Shandong) graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing in 2010 and moved to Hong Kong in 2014. Ma completes his works over a long period of time, exploring the relationship between time and life, including painting, action, and document. Now he regularly publishes works in Ming Pao, and publishes art reviews in Ming Pao Weekly. Ongoing works include: My mother and I (from 2010) and I do I do nothing (from 2020). 

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