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PS Paid Studio Visits: Mo Kwok

Aug 22, 2020
8:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Sat 22 Aug, 8:30PM HKT
Zoom ID: 898 4575 3995
Password: 941316
In English
Hosted by Anqi Li, Para Site Curator of Education & Public Programmes


Mo Kwok (b. 1993) graduated from the department of political science and visual arts at the University of Chicago. She holds a Masters of Education from Harvard University specialising in Arts in Education. She works and lives in Hong Kong. Her practice centers around the intersection between art and technology, creating moving paintings, sound sculptures and multi-sensory playscapes. Drawing from best practices in early childhood education, she constructs immersive experiences that are playfully interactive and humorously introspective. In 2016, she was awarded the Hong Kong Arts Development Council Emerging Artist Grant.


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