Venice Biennale | PS: Visual Arts and Culture (No. 15; Autumn 2001)

This issue’s PS Special focuses on Hong Kong Pavilion’s debut at the 49th Venice Biennial, with contributions by Alice Jim, Anthony Leung Po-shan, Kith Tsang, Phoebe Man and Jaspar Lau. Jeff Leung reviews Taiwan writer Tang Hsiao-lan’s book The Origin and Development of Conceptual Art. Elaine Ng and May Fung each review a recent exhibition of video art. On the closure of OP Fotogallery, the first organisation in Hong Kong to promote contemporary photography, Kith Tsang pays tribute to its founder Lee Ka-sing by recalling some of his personal memories. With artwork and short texts interspersed between articles.

Hong Kong Artists at the Venice Biennial – JIM Alice Mingwai (詹明慧) 

The Game of Casting, Acting and Seeing – The Study Tour in Venice – LEUNG Anthony Poshan (梁寶山) 

Venice Biennial: Some Observations on Hong Kong Art Landing on the International Platform – TSANG Kith Takping (曾德平) 

Contemporary Art in the Venice Biennial – MAN Phoebe Chingying (文晶瑩) 

From Hong Kong to the World / From Art Science to Aesthetic Reflections on HK’s Participation in the 49th Venice Biennial – LAU Jaspar Kinwah (劉建華) 

Enoch Cheung’s Very Mild Mockery – FUNG May (馮美華) 

Conceptual Art – LEUNG Jeff Chinfung (梁展峰) 

Memorizing OP – TSANG Kith Takping (曾德平) 

Open Cities: HKG><ORD – Elaine W. NG