Georg Schöllhammer is an editor, writer and curator based in Vienna. He is founding editor of springerin and head of tranzit.at. He has worked internationally on cultural projects including dOCUMENTA, Manifesta, L’internationale, Former West, Sweet 60s and the Vienna Festival and is chairman of The Július Koller Society (Bratislava).
In 2014, Schöllhammer co-curated the Kiev Biennale together with Hedwig Saxenhuber.
From 2004 to 2007, Schöllhammer had been the editor-in-chief of Documenta 12 and conceived and directed documenta 12 magazines.
The exhibitions and projects Schöllhammer (co-)curated include: Spaceship Model (New Museum NY, 2014), Unrest of Form (Vienna Festival 2013 – Secession, Akademie der bildenden Künste, MQ. Together with Hedwig Saxenhuber), Changing the Image (mumok Vienna, 2013), Trespassing Modernities (SALT, Istanbul 2013), Sweet Sixties (Galeria Nova, Zagreb, 2013), Sovjet Modernism, (AZW, Vienna 2012), Moments (ZKM, Karlsruhe 2012), Manifesta 8 (Murcia, 2010, together with tranzit.org), KwieKulik (Wroclaw, Poland, 2009).
Current research projects include: Sweet Sixties (2011, ongoing), L’Internationale (2011, ongoing), Former West (2009-2011).
Recent publications: KwieKlik (jrp ringier, Basel 2013), Moments – A history of performance in 10 acts (Hatje Cantz, ZKM 2013); Sweet Sixties – Avant-Gardes in the Shadows of the Cold War (Sternberg Berlin/New York, 2013).
Schöllhammer is currently member of the boards of Kontakt. The Art Collection of Erste Group, steirischer herbst and Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, The Jindrich Chalupecki Award and member of Vienna Secession.
Together with Hedwig Saxenhuber, Georg Schöllhammer had been artistic director of Viennafair 2011.
During his residnecy at Para Site, Schöllhammer presented Art At Sample Velocity, a discussion about how contemporary art can advance the resistance against disastrous economic structures and other questions.