Para Site presents ‘signals…folds and splits’, the second chapter of the exhibition series ‘signals…瞬息’, curated by Billy Tang and Celia Ho.
Departing from the exploration of spatial politics in the first chapter of ‘signals…瞬息’, the second chapter will consider the notion of time as a series of folds and splits. The folding of time implies a malleable connection between our shared histories and possible futures together, while the splitting of time refers to the intervals and branching paths that interrupt linear progression. Through a presentation of score-based interventions and time-based mediums, ‘signals…folds and splits’ will explore the ways artists challenge conventions of time amidst a climate of instability.
Continuing to pay homage to the expanded concept of kinetic art that emerged from Signals Gallery (1964–1966, London), ‘signals…folds and splits’ will focus on an expanded understanding of kinetic movement through an ensemble of scores, abstraction, and rhythms. With the multiple experiments activated in this chapter, the exhibition explores the potential of a small gesture and its ability to slowly accumulate into a wider momentum of change. As a transitional chapter within this exhibition series, ‘signals…folds and splits’ will focus on liminal spaces, the conditions that determine human ability to work and rest, and whether to gather together or diverge towards another reality.
The participating artists of ‘signals…folds and splits’ are:
The list of artists invited to participate in this exhibition series continues to transform through rotations. Across the three chapters, some artists remain as anchors of the underlying theme, while others may join or depart between, which becomes a generative approach to collaborate with artists. It seeks to show diverse perspectives of an artist’s practice and allow some to experiment, continue to develop their work, and collaborate with other contributors to reflect together along this process-driven journey.
The ongoing exhibition ‘signals…瞬息’ is presented in three chapters: ‘signals…storms and patterns’ (18 March–28 May) focused on self-organization and the politics of space in contemporary artmaking; ‘signals…folds and splits’ (opening 9 June) will in turn reflect on the temporality of artworks and alternative economies of time; and finally, ‘signals…here and there’ (opening 11 August) will explore dispersal as a strategy to think about contemporary global issues through the lens of Hong Kong.
Exhibition spatial design: