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Life Hacks with Birds in the City: Transcending Invisible Barriers—The Alternative School: Mapping Interspecies Coexistence

Sep 22, 2024
2:30 pm – 5:30 pm


10B, Wing Wah Industrial Building
Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

HK Bird Watching Society with Theodora Leung

In Cantonese
Registration required here
Age: 6 or above


‘Bird-window collisions’ refer to what happens when birds fail to recognise a glass curtain wall or mirror as an obstacle and mistakenly think they can fly into it, thus hitting the building and causing injury or even death. According to Global Bird Collision Mapper, over 400 cases of bird collision were recorded in Hong Kong. Bird-window collisions are just around the corner.

In September, when autumn migratory birds start to arrive in Hong Kong, arts practitioner Theodora Leung, together with Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (HKBWS), will guide participants to learn about the local issue of bird-window collisions. An outdoor tour will identify potential bird collision hotspots, explore how different actions in daily life can bring about changes, and consider what we can do to co-exist with birds in urban space.



The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, founded in 1957, has been devoted to promoting the appreciation and conservation of wild birds through research, habitat management, environmental monitoring, policy advocacy and education, with an aim to achieve their vision of: ‘People and birds living in harmony as nature continues to thrive’.

Theodora Leung is a creative worker in the planning and promotion of arts and cultural activities. She graduated from the Faculty of Education at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and served as an editor for the student press. An over-analytical type, she enjoys exploring the connections between an individual, the self, and the surrounding environment through words, sounds, and images. In recent years, she has been passionate about exploring the possibilities of creative education, trying to encourage individuals to reflect on life and society. Projects she has been involved in curating include the M+ Young People Summer Takeover Workshop: ‘Nest Reconstruction’, the thematic season ‘A Date with Plants’ and the social innovation incubation scheme of ‘Make a Difference’ School, and the Kaifong Tour exhibition ‘Carers’ Diary: Stories with ADHD Children’. She has also been responsible for writing and editing public educational materials.