Wong Pik-kei
In English
Registration required here
Age: 18 or above
We sometimes forget that humans are animals. By inviting participants to learn to move like an animal, to approach the relationship between body and space, and to create their own dance through methods of Butoh (also known as Dance of Darkness), this workshop introduces ways of expressing emotions beyond the confines of human languages.
The workshop is open to all levels of experience. Movement artist Wong Pik-kei will introduce the basic philosophy and physical exercises in Butoh. Developed on skills based on master Tatsumi Hijikata (土方𢁉)’s Butoh-fu (舞踏譜, fu means ‘notation’ or ‘manual’ in Japanese), Pik-kei will lead participants to explore the transmutation of the human body into other forms. Participants will explore the expression of sorrow and joy and create a spatial sculpture collectively through improvisation.