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Visiting Our Wild Neighbours: Community Nature Storytelling Workshop—The Alternative School: Learning from the Ground Up

Sep 8, 2024
3:00 pm – 5:30 pm


10B, Wing Wah Industrial Building
Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

Urban Diary

In Cantonese
Registration required here
Age: 18 or above


Storytelling can be used as a tool to understand interspecies coexistence in cities, and to inspire action in response to observations and reflections in our living environment. 

In this workshop, Urban Diary will guide participants in exploring urban ecology through non-fiction storytelling. The team will first introduce the theoretical foundations of this methodology, then share methods, techniques and ethics for documenting community stories. This will be followed by a practical outdoor walking exercise, where participants are encouraged to use their senses to observe and associate, so as to craft unique narratives about nature in our community.



Urban Diary is the first Hong Kong storytelling NGO promoting sustainability. We collect community stories from ordinary people and capture them in various non-fiction forms to facilitate community building.